Hi there! Oh Gosh, it’s really, really cool to be able to write a few words on this space again!

I’m very excited to continue the path I choose of helping companies of all sizes to embrace the cloud strategy and get all the benefits of an utility IT.

Right now I have around 20 years of experience working with IT deployment and management (mainly infrastructure services), and something like 15 years out of this 20, working with *NIX Operating Systems. The beginning of my career was managing Microsoft solutions in different service providers, and it’s a skillset that I wanted to get back, as much has changed from my previous experience with Microsoft Products, and learn new things is addicting…

I have been watching Microsoft innovations and growth on different technologies and services from a long time, and mainly its strategy and execution. When Microsoft puts its efforts and focus in one direction, very few times it was not a success history. There are a lot of products to confirm this: SQL, Hyper-V, XBOX, Azure and the list goes on and on…

I just hope to be able to help Microsoft as much as I’m sure Microsoft will add to my career on the technical and business side! If you are one of the hardcore readers of this blog, that every day pings this space for news, stay tuned as I plan (again), to get back to my blog duties. I’m already working in some cool projects and some “demos” to build my “utility belt”, and so keep one eye at here and here!

Hope now this blog gets back to life! See ya…


DISCLAIMER: Please note that everything that I will write on this space, my blog, is my opinions and views only. By no means it correlates or implies the opinion and vision of my employer. I should post on this blog tips and insights on Cloud Computing in general, and some examples of different solutions implementations based on Azure public documentation and features.