“Free software means that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software, that you receive the source code, or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it, in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things…”
SCOP HEARTBEAT Administration Interface (Download)
SCOP is a web application, PHP based, that is a front-end to heartbeat, ipvs and ldirectord software. With SCOP you can start/stop services, view/edit configuration files, make backups, take a server online/offline, add or remove virtual/real servers, etc.
SCOP in that first version (1.0), is highly (99%) based on the GPL web interface developed by Malcolm Turnbull ( But the version on is customized for their appliance… So, i have used the GPL code to make that great tool available to anyone, with some new features: the tool is translated to brazilian portuguese, a few fix on some php scripts, and that version is compatible with the Debian/Ubuntu GNU/Linux distributions.
You are since now invited to use, modify, and share your ideas with the community.
I hope you enjoy.