Archives for Avs
Ok, that was funny... well, not really, because i did loose a lot of time on it. I have no experience with ASM (Automatic Storage Management) by Oracle, and while a system administrator, i did manage the oracle volumes as filesystems. The raw devices on that time had the 'performance' ...
That was an amazing experience, and was really great meet those people that i just talk by email. First was the OHAC Summit, where we had excellent presentations, and the keynote 'The Network is the Cluster' by Dr. David Cheriton (Stanford University), and the 'High Availability: Today and Tomorrow' discussion ...
Today i was at the Sun Tech Days here in São Paulo/SP - Brazil. I think was one of the more amazing technology event i ever saw. Unfortunately, i could not stay the whole day, but i could participate of the keynotes and could talk with old friends as well ...
Hello all...
The discussions around the project to provide HA services using non-shared discs is going on here on OHAC community, and the home page of the project is out!
We encourage you to participate reporting bugs or features requests.
Seems like my project proposal was approved on OHAC community, and now we need to wait for the setup of the project home page (thanks to Nicholas Solter, OHAC facilitator), and so on... but the work can not wait. So, i did post the first issue i think we need ...
Today i did write my first project proposal on the OpenSolaris (OHAC community). The link for the proposal is here, and i would like to read your comments about it. If you don't know what i'm talking about, i have a little agent to provide ZFS/NFS HA using NON-shared ...
Recently i did this post on Opensolaris Storage discuss, and after have a chat with mr. Dunham, i have decided to include in the MRSL.NONsharedDevice the on-demand pull feature of AVS software. Now the admins have two choices in a switch back scenario:
Option 1:
1 - Switch the resourcegroup to the ...
Sun Cluster 3.2
To show the quorum configuration:
# /usr/cluster/bin/clquorum show +
Cluster Nodes ===
Node Name: ...
I have a test environment with two 150GB discs, configured as a ZFS mirror (150GB usable space). I did a AVS configuration to replicate that discs to another server. I have lost the sync between the servers, and the state on the primary node was not sane.. so, i did ...
I'm making some tests with AVS software, and the 'sndradm' command is not working very well...
I have a two-node cluster configuration, and sndradm returns 'OK' on the secondary node (node2), but did not returns anything on the primary (node1).
Take a Look:
# sndradm -C local -P
/dev/rdsk/c2d0s0 ...