Tag archives for contest
This was a great year for our OpenSolaris User Group, many events, and a lot of new users! Today i could congratulate Vitório Sassi and Ronaldo Prass, two PoAOSUG members, for the awards in the Student Reviews contest (MySQL and Glassfish), with the project Jsaw (Java System Authentication for Wireless ...
Today i was at the Sun Tech Days here in São Paulo/SP - Brazil. I think was one of the more amazing technology event i ever saw. Unfortunately, i could not stay the whole day, but i could participate of the keynotes and could talk with old friends as well ...
A few minutes ago i did this post on OHAC community to hear what other people think about the idea. I guess would be nice to have a logo to our community, because that helps to promote the software and the community in general. Imagine that we could have logos ...