Archives for Opensolaris - Page 13

Screencast 03

while we do not have the same functionality of the processor sets (Solaris 10 Dynamic pools), for restriction in the memory use, i have made some tests with resource CAP daemon... the results are in the third screencast. Solaris Containers - Resource Management and Solaris Zones (Part III).
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Screencast 01

I am planning to make available some screencasts approaching some characteristics of Solaris 10. The hardware is a dual core (AMD - X2100), in which i'm making some tests with that operating system. In this first screencast, the objective is simply to partition the processors (logically). We go to leave a ...
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Solaris 10 LDAP Authentication

Solaris 10 LDAP Authentication: 1 - /var/ldap/ldap_client_file # # Do not edit this file manually; your changes will be lost.Please use ldapclient (1M) instead. # NS_LDAP_FILE_VERSION= 2.0 NS_LDAP_SERVERS= NS_LDAP_SEARCH_BASEDN= ou=company,o=country NS_LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE= sub NS_LDAP_CACHETTL= 3600 NS_LDAP_SERVICE_SEARCH_DESC= group:ou=groups,ou=company,o=country NS_LDAP_SERVICE_SEARCH_DESC= passwd:ou=company,o=country NS_LDAP_SERVICE_AUTH_METHOD= pam_ldap:tls:simple 2- ldapclient manual -v -a defaultServerList= -a defaultSearchBase=ou=company,o=country -a authenticationMethod=none -a credentialLevel=anonymous -a serviceAuthenticationMethod=pam_ldap:tls:simple -a defaultsearchscope=sub -a servicesearchdescriptor=passwd:ou=company,o=country -a servicesearchdescriptor=group:ou=groups,ou=company,o=country
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I wrote my monograph using docbook (XML) with 'vi' editor, DSSSL for stylesheets and openjade + OpenSP tools for printing. The first page was made in openoffice, and joinPDF was used to assemble the whole work. I'm running a solaris 9 x86 operating system, with gnome 2.8.0 Desktop environment and ...
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