Well, as many of you, i remember all the criticism Sun and the OpenSolaris project did receive on the start (the license, the company behind, etc). I think i’m not radical about Open Source software, i did use GPL, BSD, CDDL, and even proprietary software. I have my personal opinion about it, but i don’t want that everybody agrees with me. I think there is space to Microsoft windows, Apple, Solaris, OpenSolaris, GNU/Linux, and etc. But let me say this: If there is someone in the computer science that i *really* respect is Richard Stallman. He did create a *masterpiece*, and gave it for developers, users, and companies. Yes, for fun and profit!
I did say that because i want to let *clear* that i think Open Source community is about philosophy (yes i do). It’s not just about lines of code. So, the license and all the surrounding in open software is important too. And that is not radicalism is just how i see the ecossystem. But my profession, my work, is not Open Source. So my point is: When talking about technology, we have an Open World for Oracle or MySQL softwares… when talking about Open Source/Community is much more complicated. How many companies have solutions using GNU/Linux? They have guaranties. Principles from GPL.
First i like technology, innovation, and quality. When Sun released Solaris as an open project it was a dream come true for me. Because i could access the source and learn a lot using the best Operanting System that i know. More, maybe i could help a little bit, and to participate of such technology. Just great. Well, you imagine all the things i did hear about participate on this… makes me remember the movie 2012, there is a funny quote about “Always remember, folks. You heard it first from Charlie“. Charlie represents many of my friends…
Now i’m receiving many emails and reading many blogs from people that i know and really respect that are leaving Oracle/SUN. 100% saying: “Don’t worry, everything is ok”.
(Another quote from 2012: When they tell you not to panic… that’s when you run!)
I know many people that say that Oracle did want to buy MySQL and could not, so did a indirect deal using SUN (that’s why the title of this post ;-). And others, saying that this is b**** …
In the end, i don’t think this has much importance… it’s done. And thinking about the $$ Sun did pay for MySQL
What about companies that did invest in OpenSolaris as their business basement? We have many people working around that project, and all we have is: “?” (Thanks Benr for that).

ps.: Sorry if you are looking for the movie, go here. ;-)