Coke or Coffee?
All day writing code and Coke, or all day writing code and Coffee? What is the worst health habits? Sorry, but i want to know your opinion about it. And if you think that topic is not related with OpenSolaris, Solaris, GNU/Linux, and etc, you are in the wrong profession. ;-)
Tea :)
Coffee is just a mild rejuvenating laxative :)
So Coke is worse than coffee:
coke -> too much sugar, too fast
too much sugar, too fast -> insulin
high sugar level + insulin -> fat
btw. the same holds true for those liquefied fruits…
Ok, i think Andreas has a good point, and i agree with you Daeltar that tea would be better, but… in the companies, we don’t have the option for juice or sugar, i mean, natural not industrialized. That would be the better option i think.
But if we are talking about industrialized tea for example, i think coke is better. ;-))
Green tea, jasmine, oolong, etc., no sugar needed.
Coffee, black.
Another good point Ben, because if we are talking about any coffee with “milk”, we are increasing the problem…