Picture by Ronaldo Prass

Picture by Ronaldo Prass

Yesterday was the PoAOSUG meeting in Porto Alegre. The place was a little special for those that know the earlier phase of our User Group! Vanoni, Basso, Vitório, and other guys know what i’m talking about… ;-) we had many good conversations about OpenSolaris on that Pub, and i think was a nice choice to end a wonderful year for our UG.
If you want to participate you are very welcome, our meetings are on the last month’s thursday. We are working to add streaming to our meetings, and doing all possible effort to make them worldwide and with techtalks about OpenSolaris innovations and technologies. Here on Vitório’s blog you can see a picture about the meeting.
But… where is the beer Ronaldo???
Picture by Ronaldo Prass

Picture by Ronaldo Prass

way better…