
I did receive a good feedback (email, at #opensolaris irc channel, etc... c'mon people, leave a comment :),about my last post about the OpenSolaris.com bubbles. So, i have decided to use the new logo on my blog header for a while. Tomorrow is the great release of the new OpenSolaris ...
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OpenSolaris.com at Gym… hilarious!

Since the first time i did see this link at indiana-discuss mailing list, i'm thinking 'what place i did see that'? The colors, the circles, everything on opensolaris.com logo is just familiar... Today i was taking shower when i did realize 'from where' was the Deja vu feeling... just hilarious, ...
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Usefull commands – part #2

Most of them you can easily find on the manual pages, but i think it's always good to remember... 1) To see which parameters are supported by some driver (in this case the network driver for bge0): ndd -get /dev/bge0 ? 2) So you can see a specific option: ndd -get /dev/bge0 link_speed 3) ...
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Porto Alegre OSUG meeting April 24th

Thanks to Jim Grisanzio for the OpenSolaris Kits! Really nice.... Ok tonight we could talk a little bit about our user group and we could organize a few things. We will work very hard to make our portal a nice source of information about the events, tutorials, multimedia, and all ...
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Everything that has a beginning, has an end…

It finished in this Saturday, 19, in Porto Alegre, the 9° International Fórum of Free Software - fisl9.0. Lectures, exchange of information, experiences, friendship, gifts... a great time! I think the presentation of the day was the one by Jon Maddog Hall (Executive Director of Linux International). Who arrived behind (like ...
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