We have some more days until the end of 2011. We have plenty of time to do many things until we really say “bye” to this year. But the feeling will be hard to change as always: this year was fastest than the others.
I think this notion about a year that was fastest than our perception of living it, may be the result of we slowing down our seek to new (i’m talking about fun, entertainment, cool things). Lack of intensity in what really matters in our lives… friends.. family.

I think we need to look around and listen the life outside our shell.

Here is the assorted thing…

Edward Norton (from American History X, Fight Club, Primal Fear) talking about Facebook being us trying to show who we are by our friends, twitter from what we do, and crowdrise from what we care about.
Jay-Z (from Decoded) and Ph.D Cornel West (from Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions) talking about poetry, context, racism (here is the full lyrics).

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Michael Jordan Talking about “Limits and Fears being often just illusions“, Will Smith (from The Pursuit of Happyness, Hitch, I am Legend) giving us good words about life, and Bruce Lee talking about philosophy and inspiring us to be formless, shapeless: be water my friend.

Hope we can all concentrate our intensity on what really, really matters on these last days of 2011, 2012 and beyond. And so we can make it go real slow, enjoying every damn microsecond of it! (because i know a lot of you use some kind of accelerator device for your transactions).
