EALL Blog’s T-Shirts!
So, for a long time I had a plan to create some t-shirts for my blog, to promote my book, and try to create some kind of art. ;-) So this time I put the things together and thanks to Linda from the Illumos community, I could find a good place to make this idea come to the real world.
I have many ideas to some graphics and texts from what you can find on my blog, what I really like to write about (technology, music, f1, etc): “Computing Science, Posix rules, Life rules, no rules…“. But I will need some time to add those to my shop (it’s just a hobby), but hope you can enjoy what is already there!
The first one is from a recent idea that I had from the first time I did hear the song from Jay-Z (I really like Music, all genres from hip-hop to classic), and if you don’t know him or do not like Hip Hop music, just take a look at one of my posts called Assorted. I think at least will be funny, and you will understand the joke… ;-)
Another one that could not be forgotten is the ZFS Internals series from my blog that until today has a lot of hits every month!
So the same logo I did create for the PDF (draft) of the series, I did use to promote this section on my blog. And as ZFS plays a big role here too, the “SEND AND RECEIVE” t-shirts to promote Open Source Principle is present on a exclusive section on the shop.
Well, I hope you enjoy and hope I do receive mine real soon! ;-)