I do work with systems architecture (operating systems, network and storage plumbing). Strong experience (more than 20 years): prospecting, modeling, planning and implementing new solutions to provide resilient internet services, cost effective operational infrastructure, storage performance and data protection for highly available systems.
I did not want to use wclear(); because using that procedure the screens “blinks”… anyway, i thinks is the only way to “clear” the screen consistently… ;-)
thank you for this very useful program. But I can’t get it to work. First I compiled it with gcc since I don’t have cc. (I changed it in the makefile) That yields a blockmonitor without any errors.
Running the blockmonitor only shows the upper table with the left column showing the blocksizes and at the top the headers but NO data. If I press ctrl C the program quits normally.
I’m running the blockmonitor from an ssh shell and not from an xterm like you.
Can you give any advice how to get your program working?
Hello wessels147! Sorry, my fault…
That is a sequence of posts, and actually the first one has the whole procedure. Take a look here: https://www.eall.com.br/blog/?p=906
you will find the dtrace script that is needed to execute with NFS Block monitor.
I saw the script but thought that it was a sample to demonstrate that one could get the data via dtrace. Since it wasn’t included in the tar I thought blockmonitor was self contained and that it called dtrace from within.
It works! I was hoping to optimize the blocksize for my zfs filesystems hosting vmware virtualmachines. I assumed that vmware was reading and writing in a specific block size like a DB but that wasn’t the case.
Depends… if you are installing a virtual machine in a ZFS filesystem (NFS), the write requests should be the size of the virtual machines’ FSB. Ext3 for example, 4KB. But if it helped you, is good!
I did not want to use wclear(); because using that procedure the screens “blinks”… anyway, i thinks is the only way to “clear” the screen consistently… ;-)
SNVbuild106 x86
thank you for this very useful program. But I can’t get it to work. First I compiled it with gcc since I don’t have cc. (I changed it in the makefile) That yields a blockmonitor without any errors.
Running the blockmonitor only shows the upper table with the left column showing the blocksizes and at the top the headers but NO data. If I press ctrl C the program quits normally.
I’m running the blockmonitor from an ssh shell and not from an xterm like you.
Can you give any advice how to get your program working?
Hello wessels147! Sorry, my fault…
That is a sequence of posts, and actually the first one has the whole procedure. Take a look here:
you will find the dtrace script that is needed to execute with NFS Block monitor.
I saw the script but thought that it was a sample to demonstrate that one could get the data via dtrace. Since it wasn’t included in the tar I thought blockmonitor was self contained and that it called dtrace from within.
It works! I was hoping to optimize the blocksize for my zfs filesystems hosting vmware virtualmachines. I assumed that vmware was reading and writing in a specific block size like a DB but that wasn’t the case.
Depends… if you are installing a virtual machine in a ZFS filesystem (NFS), the write requests should be the size of the virtual machines’ FSB. Ext3 for example, 4KB. But if it helped you, is good!