Archives for July, 2008
Ok, sometime ago i did this post about using open source softwares, and the phrase 'We are moving from Oracle to MySQL“, did create some comments on my blog like this. Now i did update that post with the presentation's video (FULL), so you can watch the whole ...
Today i did write my first project proposal on the OpenSolaris (OHAC community). The link for the proposal is here, and i would like to read your comments about it. If you don't know what i'm talking about, i have a little agent to provide ZFS/NFS HA using NON-shared ...
No, it's not my phrase, but i think it resumes the sysadmin's work... Actually that phrase is a citation from Seu Jorge, talking about a theater school where the motto was the title of this post. Seu Jorge is a singer, song writer, actor, and soundtrack composer. You can see ...
As you know, i'm doing some tests with that hardware, and these days i had some troubles mapping SAN disks for it...
But Solaris has a lot of tools to debug and fix that kind of problems. The first command i did use was:
# fcinfo hba-port
HBA Port WWN: xxxx...
HBA Port WWN: ...
The Solaris Operating System was designed to be robust and have a great focus on Resource management. So, there are many (simple and complex) tools, that provide invaluable information about the system resources, as well as powerfull tools to manage them.
One of the simple tools is 'psrinfo'. The ...