Tag archives for Dtrace


SNIA SpeedConf and Las Vegas

Hi, last year was a busy one, but just because we worked in really cool projects and was very, very exciting! I should be at Las Vegas from May 05-09, and in Santa Clara from Jun 10-12. In Santa Clara I will be presenting one of the solutions we developed last ...
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I would like to understand…

Maybe if i could understand the Oracle's mind, i could learn how to make money. I think that is the key in this whole Oracle/Sun situation: Java, Dtrace 1, 2, 3, 4, and ZFS creators did leave the company. Why someone would buy a technology company, with so many ...
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Disksort vs Max_Pending

DO NOT TRY IT IN PRODUCTION. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Good news... here you can get a little script to enable, disable, and check the disksort flag on your disks (not persistent after reboot, take a look on my other post to a link for how to do it). Take ...
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Elevator Algorithm II

DO NOT TRY IT IN PRODUCTION. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! In my last post i did write about some issues related with disksort: 1) Performance (Latency) 2) Consistency In my D Script i'm printing the buf sector when the sd driver receives it. So, without sorting. That's important because i'm ...
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Performance II

In my last post about 'Performance', i did talk about a ZFS tuning parameter: zfs_prefetch_disable. And that was a ZFS read parameter... In this post, we will take a look in another one, with the same 'water to wine' effect. This time with focus on writes... We have a set ...
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NFS – Block Size Monitor (v0.3)

Ok, now i did some 'clean up' on the code... did create some functions, have removed duplicated code, and add new features like 'Requests per second'. Now i think is just fix any bugs that we will find, but the features for this particular tool are done. Take a look: FEATURES: ...
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NFS – Block Size Monitor (DTrace powered)

DO NOT TRY IT IN PRODUCTION. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Hello there! Yesterday i was coding a simple tool to provide a better visualization of the block's sizes (read/write) on a NFS server. The primary objective was not consolidate informations, but just quickly visualize trends, for a short period of ...
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