Author Archives: Marcelo Leal - Page 3


EALL Blog’s T-Shirts!

I really like geek T-Shirts! Actually we saw a lot of creativity on it, carpets (who don't know about the '' ;-), cups and etc. I think these kind of stuffs are really cool to spread the word, and that plays a crucial job on Open Source projects. So, ...
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We have some more days until the end of 2011. We have plenty of time to do many things until we really say 'bye' to this year. But the feeling will be hard to change as always: this year was fastest than the others. I think this notion about ...
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ZFS Internals (part #11)

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ANY INFORMATION YOU MAY FIND HERE MAY BE INACCURATE, AND COULD INCLUDE TECHNICAL INACCURACIES, TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS, AND EVEN SPELLING ERRORS. From the MANUAL page: The zdb command is used by support engineers to diagnose failures and gather statistics. Since the ZFS file ...
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I talk too much…

Ok, that was funny... well, not really, because i did loose a lot of time on it. I have no experience with ASM (Automatic Storage Management) by Oracle, and while a system administrator, i did manage the oracle volumes as filesystems. The raw devices on that time had the 'performance' ...
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