Archives for Opensolaris - Page 7
As you know, i'm doing some tests with that hardware, and these days i had some troubles mapping SAN disks for it...
But Solaris has a lot of tools to debug and fix that kind of problems. The first command i did use was:
# fcinfo hba-port
HBA Port WWN: xxxx...
HBA Port WWN: ...
The Solaris Operating System was designed to be robust and have a great focus on Resource management. So, there are many (simple and complex) tools, that provide invaluable information about the system resources, as well as powerfull tools to manage them.
One of the simple tools is 'psrinfo'. The ...
Ok, that is not big deal, but for future reference is good concentrate things here...
If you don't know what is orca, you can go here.
I will list here just the components we need to setup this usefull tool on solaris 10, take a look:
First, two ...
Last week (06/11/2008), Tirthankar Das have proposed my nomination for contributor status of Open High-Availability Cluster community. Like Thorsten did say, by the rules is necessary three +1 votes from core contributors , and no -1 vote (with one week as the dead line). Last day (06/19/2008), was the ...
Very funny, very funny... but yes, it's me. Sometime ago i was playing with my kids, and take some crazy pictures like that i have used to make the hackergotchi you see in the left side.
If you is used to access, like i do, you will see this ...
First time i did have to apply drivers on Solaris at installation time, and was a good experience. This blade servers have SAS discs, and there is no drivers on Solaris by default. Here you can find the needed drivers (storage, network, etc), and good installation instructions. I will make ...
Finally i did receive the two books that i did buy from Solaris Internals (second edition) and Solaris Performance and Tools. The first edition of Solaris Internals, i did read while at university (UNISINOS), but i had not much access to Solaris environment that time, but the concepts of ...
Ok, i think the answer for this question is uncertain and doubtful. There is something in GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris/OpenSolaris, MacOSX, AIX, that i really like, but i don't know what it is. Sad, but true. All that OS have a deep, really deep relation with each other, but wich is? ...
Yesterday we had our meeting here in Porto Alegre. We are evolving a little bit at each meeting, and some goals like:
1- PoaOSUG's web site new design;
2- Fixed date and hour for our meetings;
3- A formal structure for our meetings:
a) First the general ...
Before talking about what is what, and what is better, i will say that i do prefer the things working...
If you are deploying Solaris ZFS/NFS services on your site, and you have GNU/Linux NFS clients, you will probably face problems like this sooner or later. The standard UNIX permissions scheme ...