PoaOSUG leadership

I'm out. It's hard to say, but it's true... In the last PoaOSUG meeting, i did talk with the other group members about my decision to leave the group leadership. I was not handling the time to participate like i think a leader 'must' participate, and that's because i'm not living ...
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GNU/Linux, ZFS, and the df utility…

Yesterday a co-worker asked me about a wrong information showed by the df utility (running on a RedHat ES). One ZFS pool, and many ZFS filesystems, and the same 'available' information for all filesystems (always the Pool total), even with some data written on the pool (that's good, you do ...
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RoR on OS 2008.11

Just a note... ;-) 1) pfexec pkg install gcc-dev 2) pfexec pkg install SUNWscp 3) pfexec pkg install SUNWmysql5 4) pfexec pkg install ruby-dev 5) pfexec gem install rails --include-dependencies 6) pfexec gem install mongrel --include-dependencies 7) pfexec gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/mysql/5.0/ 8) pfexec gem install will_paginate 9) export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ruby/1.8/bin Actually i did need the pfexec gem install ...
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NFS – Block Size Monitor (v0.3)

Ok, now i did some 'clean up' on the code... did create some functions, have removed duplicated code, and add new features like 'Requests per second'. Now i think is just fix any bugs that we will find, but the features for this particular tool are done. Take a look: FEATURES: ...
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Nostalgic II…

Looking for a backup (that obviously i did not find), i have saw some funny things in my stuff... ;-) So, i have decided to publish them here, in the name of the old times. FreeBSD 2.2.6 from April 1998, that is pure gold! A full 4.4 BSD Lite Based 32-bit ...
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OSX, SXCE, and VirtualBox, great start!

That's it, simple like that! As every software combination should be. ;-) I was resisting to really create a virtualized development environment on my laptop, not because i do not trust in virtualization, actually i'm  a big fan... the problem is the big deceptions i had on the past trying to ...
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