
As you can see in the sidebar, i'm using twitter and actually i'm enjoying it! I talk a lot, and so i many times talk to myself... i know, weird... so, with twitter i can write instead of talk to myself (but i'm still talking to myself :). Anyway, i ...
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OpenSolaris 2008.11 ZFS Performance

A simple test to see how the ZIL code behaves on a configuration where the slog could be a bottleneck... ZPOOL with 12 disks(750gb each) in load share: ZPOOL with 12 disks(750gb each) in load share, plus a 32gb slog: The ZIL code should not avoid write to the slog if the pool ...
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The “I” in IPS stands for Internet?

Sorry, but that was really bad (or funny)! I'm old, ok... in the past, when i was starting to use GNU/Linux, install packages was sad (Slackware, RedHat/Conectiva/Mandrake/RPM, etc). We had to download the packages and dependencies... But the world has changed, and a smart guy did create Debian.. another ...
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ZFS Internals (part #7)

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ANY INFORMATION YOU MAY FIND HERE MAY BE INACCURATE, AND COULD INCLUDE TECHNICAL INACCURACIES, TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS, AND EVEN SPELLING ERRORS. From the MANUAL page: The zdb command is used by support engineers to diagnose failures and gather statistics. Since the ZFS file ...
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Ubuntu and the kids…

Hello all, hope everyone had a nice christmas! These days i have decided to update the kid's destkop, an ubuntu 7.10 system with many, many customizations, and a lot of games, to the new LTS version (8.04). Well, i was expecting some problems, but no the ones i had... ...
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ZFS Internals (part #6)

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ANY INFORMATION YOU MAY FIND HERE MAY BE INACCURATE, AND COULD INCLUDE TECHNICAL INACCURACIES, TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS, AND EVEN SPELLING ERRORS. From the MANUAL page: The zdb command is used by support engineers to diagnose failures and gather statistics. Since the ZFS file ...
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New design…

I like to to hear the feedback from my blog users, and my last blog theme was inspired on the good comments i have got when i did this post. It's interesting that i got many mails, and talk with some guys at opensolaris irc channel, but no comment on ...
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Porto Alegre OSUG meeting Dec 18th

Yesterday was the PoAOSUG meeting in Porto Alegre. The place was a little special for those that know the earlier phase of our User Group! Vanoni, Basso, Vitório, and other guys know what i'm talking about... ;-) we had many good conversations about OpenSolaris on that Pub, and i ...
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ZFS Internals

I did receive some good emails about the ZFS Internals Series, thank you! Many of them asking for some kind of aggregation, page or something. I think is a good idea, because if somebody wants to link directly for that kind of subject is easy. So, you can find the ...
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