Archives for General - Page 12

New design…

I like to to hear the feedback from my blog users, and my last blog theme was inspired on the good comments i have got when i did this post. It's interesting that i got many mails, and talk with some guys at opensolaris irc channel, but no comment on ...
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ZFS Internals

I did receive some good emails about the ZFS Internals Series, thank you! Many of them asking for some kind of aggregation, page or something. I think is a good idea, because if somebody wants to link directly for that kind of subject is easy. So, you can find the ...
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Ok, i'm not that old... ;-) but, today i was talking with a co-worker about old internet things, and two of them came to my mind: Harvard Telnet Services Freeshell Man, i have used that two services a lot! My email and home page were hosted at freeshell for many years, ...
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A simple tip about FMA

Solaris 10/OpenSolaris have many new features, and some users used to GNU/Linux, or even used to older versions of Solaris, sometimes don't know some of them. We have been heard a lot about ZFS and Dtrace, for example, but there are much more! In my previous ...
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New house, new life…

NovoAP Well, these were not the three more simple months of my life, no way! It was not the first time i was not in my birth town either, but the first time after my marriage. Not easy, away of my kids, and just a few months after Leonardo's birth. São ...
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Porto Alegre OSUG Meeting November 27th

This was a great year for our OpenSolaris User Group, many events, and a lot of new users! Today i could congratulate Vitório Sassi and Ronaldo Prass, two PoAOSUG members, for the awards in the Student Reviews contest (MySQL and Glassfish), with the project Jsaw (Java System Authentication for Wireless ...
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Coke or Coffee?

All day writing code and Coke, or all day writing code and Coffee? What is the worst health habits? Sorry, but i want to know your opinion about it. And if you think that topic is not related with OpenSolaris, Solaris, GNU/Linux, and etc, you are in the wrong profession. ...
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